Give to The Oak
Many in the Church contribute financially to the running of the church.
This isn't just to support the good work we do in supporting your spiritual growth and community action. We also believe it's a principle taught in the Bible that we should give our income to the work of the Church.
In much of the Old Testament God's people were taught to give a tithe (10% of their income). When Jesus came He went even more radical and told people to give away all they had (Matthew 19:21).
2 Corinthians 9:7 says "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
We don't mind what you give, but give it cheerfully and not under compulsion.
Here are some of the ways you can give.
BACS Transfer
You can arrange to give directly from your bank to us using online banking. Our bank details are below.
Cash or Cheque
You can give cash or cheques in our service on Sunday. We have a dedicated box for this. Cheques should be written to "The Oak Community Church"
By PayPal
We have a dedicated PayPal account where you can give by Debit or Credit card. Just click here.
Standing Order
You can setup a regular standing order using the bank details below. This is our preferred way of giving as it allows us to plan and budget based on regular income.
Bank Details and Gift Aid
The church bank details are:
Account Name: The Oak Community Church Trustees, General Fund
Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 20-14-33
Account Number: 70856258
If you are a taxpayer in the UK please make sure you complete a Gift Aid Declaration form so we can claim back the tax on your giving. Download the form here and pass it on to Vanessa.